Is Your Favorite Podcast Pure Propaganda?
From Joe Rogan to Tim Ferriss and Armchair Expert, there are way too many uncritical interviews laundering the image of evil people
The word propaganda is a bit subjective, and it is overused these days — by me especially. People yell about ‘animal rights propaganda’ coming from PETA, ‘renewable energy propaganda,’ and our media pretends any anti-war message these days must be coming from Russian-bot farms.
It is seemingly everywhere because, in some ways, it is everywhere.
Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
Anyone speaking on issues they care about could be accused of promoting propaganda because they will have an inherent bias toward information that supports their position and will downplay the negatives. To do so is to be human.
When it comes to nation-states, we know their intelligence agencies are filling the media and internet with narratives that make them heroes and their adversaries out to be evil. We fully understand the concept and can apply it when speaking about any ‘enemies’ of America or ‘the West.’