I hear you. It definitely isn't a one to one which is why I used the word "almost" and said Dems are much closer to reality.
I could have and probably should have made a caveat that it isn't one and the same on all issues, especially when it comes to climate change, but I'm seeing way too many horrible foreign policy takes from the center-left with flat out false information.
So, I tried to focus on the fact that the left MSM in the US and the State Department routinely lie and Americans uncritically believe it all.
Without a doubt Trump and Republicans are a greater danger in normal circumstances but, when it comes to squaring off with a nuclear power, that is a more imminent threat than climate change and liberals all over have turned into war hawks and are cheering on that mass extinction. So, in that sense, they're just as dangerous.
But again, it isn't one to one on all issues. And I have plenty of pieces with my critiques of the right.
And in terms of looking down on working people, I'd recommend the work of Thomas Frank.
Thanks for the read and the words!