Hey Medium — I’ve Got a New Project Coming

After averaging nine posts a month, here’s why I’m down to only one article in six weeks

Mitchell Peterson
3 min readMay 11, 2023
My late father and I way back in the 90s.

It’s been too long Medium. So first, let me apologize for the absence. I worked my ass off the last year and a half to build a community here, and letting this page drift at sea for so long has felt very strange. But the currents of life move fast, and I’ve been trying to keep my head above water while drowning in work.

I’ve also continued to write but am not quite ready to share it yet.

Since the algorithm changes and directional shift that happened on Medium last autumn, the views have been harder and harder to come by for the type of articles I had become used to writing.

Heterodox political analysis and breaking Western stereotypes isn’t the vibe that gets promoted here, and that is okay.

I am still reading and listening to podcasts on those topics and still have so much to say about what is currently happening in the world.

If I’d had time, I would’ve loved to write pieces on Macron’s trip to China, the Saudi-Iran diplomatic breakthroughs, Marianne Williamson running for president, the lack of debates in the Democratic primary, the media response to Elon Musk’s rocket fiasco, Tucker Carlson…



Mitchell Peterson

Freelance writer who spent nine years outside the US, currently in rural America writing the Substack bestseller 18 Uncles.