8 Years Meat-Free: Why I Do It

Some thoughts on the upcoming completion of my eighth year without meat and my fifth year vegan

Mitchell Peterson
7 min readNov 8, 2021
Photo sharing watermelon with Marley by the author.

Veganism has come so far the paradigm has completely shifted. When my mom was plant-based well over a decade ago, it was difficult to find a vegan option; these days, they’re almost impossible to avoid. Every company is getting on board, most cynically but some for the right reasons.

For me, it shows the power of consumer demand. A more aware population makes more ethical decisions and corporations follow suit. We the people lead the way with how we spend our money.

I hope we recognize and wield that power we have as consumers.

And, while I love to see the likes of McDonald’s and KFC getting on the plant-based train, I do have some minor concerns.

It is awesome to see the options more readily available; access and convenience are everything in our modern nations. But the rise in cheap vegan substitutes does play a negative role because they’re usually so unhealthy.

However, if one is going to eat processed bullshit, it might as well be vegan processed bullshit.

The single best thing we can do to reduce our carbon footprint and help out the



Mitchell Peterson

Freelance writer who spent nine years outside the US, currently in rural America writing the Substack bestseller 18 Uncles.